Bangkok Because It’s Funny

by Jay Vannigan | January 1, 2013 8:01 AM

1653410-dorito_super[1]Rockford, IL – “Man who go through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok is funny joke, ha ha, you know joke? I tale you”, said Chensworth Johnstonson.

We here at RKFD News had nothing better to do on a Tuesday, so we headed off to the Rockford Airport to ask every man who went through the turnstile sideways where they were going and where the first born baby of 2013 was at–and this is what we came up with:

1. 60 out of the 75 men we tried to interview were crying and just walked by.

2. 5 men tried to scissor kick us in the chest or head.

3. 4 men tried to bite us and made hissing noises.

4. 3 men said Vegas was where they were heading with the baby they made on the first day of 2013.

5. 3 men declined comment.

Our journey ended with bag of Doritos.

– Jay Vannigan


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