by Tchad Beale | March 7, 2013 11:19 AM
REAL ORIGINAL ROCKFORD CREAM PUFF CAMPAIGN: City Of Rockford Tourism and Arts Committees and Coffee Drinking Boards have unleased a marketing campaign they paid for that is counting on the town’s charitably creative cream puffs to make more creamy company happen, or something.
Dear Poor People of Rockford, IL,
I sit before you at my keyboard staring out at you… your hopeful eyes. You wait there where you are for smiles, laughter, tears, delicious cream puffs and moans. Misery loves company but I promise you this today, I sit here without those creamy laced emotions.
We have provided you real, original, creamy joy and misery for free company– our company,–without paying a local ad firm to do it. We don’t work for city tourism bureaus or have arrangements with ad firms to sell you some two buck chuck bottle of hope and dreams. All of this with our own hands, brains, ideas without paying an ad firm like GrahamCrackers Inc. to sell facebook banners and funny videos that should teach Rockford how to think that misery loves real original company. It does not.
Misery loves many things but company is not one of them.
Misery loves sex and money. It makes us feel better. Misery does NOT like company unless it’s an orgy. Misery loves money and the very few have it. You don’t, Rockford; you are very broke and beyond repair. None of you have sex anymore unless you’re making children you can’t afford to raise to place in a broken, corrupt school system that you expect poor mistreated teachers to raise! Maybe misery does love company? Wow, it’s all clear now, we get it!
Yawn, there is no time left to fix boats in the desert or to partner with online shopping sites aimed at taking more pennies from your abilities to profit from your own time, your work, your energy, your ideas, not theirs. But, afterall, this is your city, your stories, your ideas, your work, their profits, their originality, their reality, their misery, their company, not ours.
Forbes, you have been attacked unjustly by emotional, overtly proud freaks.
We are here for you and want to hug you, thank you, not rebel against your logistical ranking of our crime infested, highly unemployed, overtly proud, ethically abused, and hopefully delusional city. But today is not about misery because I have none to provide you, #3. No, instead, I have urgency. An urgent desire to hand you the God awful truth. That’s right. If you are an aspiring artist or politician, here is your warning.
We sit here today waiting for the next idea to arise from your hopeful fingers with your keyboards. Maybe my friend Lisa will grow a garden to sell corn this summer. Maybe my neighbor Jerry will craft some home made beer for us to drink this summer. Maybe my son Ronald will open an Etsy shop online to sell paperweights he made at school this year. Maybe other children’s parents in the city of Rockford will buy Ronald’s home made paper weights. Maybe we won’t. Maybe we can’t because there is no money to circulate throughout our poor, poor, drunk, pathetic and proud community.
Maybe Ronald and Jerry and Lisa will sell their goods to neighboring communities with money to spend. Like Davenport, Iowa or Nashville, Tennessee. We here at have talked to a few bright innovators who have been selling their crafts, ideas, online for years to people with money in other cities and states. This is more likely.
Ahhhh… the arts. Cities looking to rebuild the economy by pillaging their arts communities. This is not new in America, though in Rockford it feels like a satirical renaissance at this point.
Ever been to an ArtScene in Rockford? People see the work for sure and then head to a bar to spend any money they have on beer, not art. Ever been to Austin, Texas? To be fair to Rockford’s poverty level status within all sectors, Austin’s booming with economic development but the artists are just as poor and being pillaged by those with government grants for economic development as they are here.
Population growth is out of control in Austin unlike Rockford because jobs and opportunities are somewhat plenty though still not that great-for-pay and survival if you’re a professional artist. Those robbing the artist’s nest there are city government officials, real estate professionals, business consultants, and construction contractors. The artists are of no concern aside from marketing agendas. If anyone’s seen the capital city’s slogan, Austin is keeping it weird and corrupt from all sectors.
The artists are near or in poverty level conditions in Austin, TX as well as well because they’re being pillaged and used to sell the city’s wonderful positive characteristics–the musical community. Tourism from music and film festivals is helping everyone but the artists. Talk to the venue owners, talk to the artists, there’s another sick story going on in America, not just Rockford.
The story is: The arts are being raped and pillaged. There is no cash flow amongst the lower to middle class anymore. There is a new class of professionals called The Creative Class. About 40 million of you who refuse to qualify as low-class, poverty level citizens because of your college degrees and innovative talents. It’s a nicer way of saying, “we don’t fit in with most of you”.
Oh, Rockford. The Creative Class in Rockford of Illinois. So many individuals–er, self-titled artists–in this village’s arts community that seem to be fooled by the Mayor’s pillaging of ideas for the promises of pennies from heaven.
Note to your hopefully bloated egos: There is no cash flow from the city to the artists in this beaten down community for you dreamers and schemers. When there is money for decent city economic development projects, it’s handed out to an artist from Nashville to produce a conservatory (Nicholas) mural–not you–though, yes, there are plenty in this arts community more than capable to win those project grants. We here at can think of 2 names–professional educated artists that we respect–off hand who should have won that grant. We’ve received direct words that those 2 local professionals were passed over for Nashville.
Kudos to everywhere else, once more. You see, our leaders talk the walk to their own wealth, but don’t walk the walk to your abilities to provide the community your time and work for money. Instead, they expect the locals to provide labor for free, trade labor, or discounted. While the good money goes to professionals from other cities and states.
Ah, the irony of Rockford. Real, original, miserable ethics. Yes.
Artists of Rockford, IL: How are your overall abilities to pay your bills, maybe afford your own horrible health insurance plan like some artists act on, you know, stuff like that artists aren’t so great at planning or budgeting for 9/10 times because they misplace their hopes and dreams in false leadership; again, it’s promises of pennies from heaven.
Those pennies are already being handed out to the city’s economic development board members with businesses, ad firm owners, architectural firm owners, oh my, we have such a long list! And the list goes on and on without the artists.
Those in charge in Rockford continue to pay ‘professional consultants’ from Austin and everywhere else but here every few years to tell us how to make everything better with ideas and lists that cost THOUSANDS of dollars. Why not spend it on a few smart ass qualified local professionals from within the city that aren’t friends or related to anyone working or serving within or on city government organizations and boards? Here’s why.
Our leaders from city to state levels of government our not capable, ethical, or creditable with handling money; what makes you think that your time, energy, and ideas are worth anything at this point? Make your own money from your own work, protect it, save it, and move. This is called migration from misery’s company–Rockford–to a real original city that prefers paying for real original work from those who prefer healthy company.
REAL ORIGINAL ROCKFORD CREAM PUFF CAMPAIGN: Above is a miserably happy cream puff artist who is more than miserably happy to join the town’s other cream puffs to make more creamy company happen. Or something.
That company is also called “cash flow”. In this city’s community, there is no cash flow. CASH FLOW. Say it, learn it… or be sold on political marketing sh!t. The Creative Class overall is smarter than Rockford, IL’s artistic ilk; what a bunch of cream puffs. Pathetic at best if you believe one word out of any politicians’ mouths.
So go ahead, Picasso, paint the town with crooked blue smiles. Hell, look over there, it’s Jasper Johns, painting and drinking and spraying the town shots of lime flavored lies. Oh, Andy Warhal, if only you had a factory, too–wait, there are plenty of abandoned factories here with no money to hire the little elves to do your work. See that wall by Banksy? Too bad, he colors the world with the voice of the people, but was actually arrested in our town.
You’re all better than this cream puff town. There is no cream, just puff.
To every artist who’s lost track of their misty mountain hop, the inner child’s angst, or forgot how to rebellious channel the voice of real original people with real misery and obstacles that they can’t rise above because our leaders are so far removed from what the fck is going on anymore, go ahead, dream away your next creative idea down this town’s toilet bowl of misery, and the company that it keeps to themselves.
How ya like them cream puffs now?
Chief Tchad Beale
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