Report: Rockford Baby’s First Word Shatters Centuries of Infant Behavior Skills

by Jay Vannigan | April 9, 2014 9:52 AM

Jay and Gordon Fernandez with Baby Heather.  The happy Rockford couple celebrate their child's first word, "Rockford."

Jay and Gordon Fernandez with Baby Heather. The happy Rockford couple celebrate their child’s first word, “Rockford.”

Rockford, IL – Centuries of infant behavior patterns came to a standstill in Rockford, IL last night for the proud parents of an 18 month old daughter.  Jay and Gordon Fernandez were playing with their baby Heather when she muttered the word,”Rockford.”


Baby Heather’s first word is Rockford and not Mommy.  We couldn’t be happier,” said Mr. and Mr. Fernandez.  

Despite Jay’s enthusiasm, his husband Gordon had mixed feelings about it all:  I always wanted to be a daddy to someone.  Hearing Baby Heather say “Daddy” to me would have been a sweet life moment but I couldn’t be happier for Jay. He believes this is better for Rockford and our child’s future.

Jay told us, “Gordon and I have raised our daughter to be different. To represent the hopeful future of the city we fell in love in–and with.  If we can do it together, imagine what other mommies and daddies and daddies and daddies and mommies and mommies can do if they enable our children’s future with Rockford hope at a young age.

Gordon smiled at his husband and Baby Heather while offering a final thought:  “I have to look at the positive side; I guess I’ll always be Jay’s daddy. He reminds me everyday when he says, “Come here, daddy!” and then grabs me from behind and kisses my neck. Our love and Baby Heather’s first word can help Rockford feel better.”

You will learn more when we know less.™

– Jay Vannigan


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