Transform Rockford Sex Tape Movie Released

by Tchad Beale | July 20, 2014 1:16 PM

Transformers Sex Tape, Rockford Movie In Theaters and on Netflix Now

Transformers Sex Tape, Rockford Movie In Theaters and on Netflix Now

Rockford, IL – After months of visioning, town forums, presentations and community data gathering, Transform Rockford released it’s first movie this weekend to help the city of Rockford, IL, feel better by 2025 or something close to it (according to one of their town forum predictions).

“Transformers Sex Tape,” the official first movie by Transform Rockford is out everywhere.  Proceeds from the movie are going into a city trust fund to help us become the Austin, TX, of Illinois in 10-12 years.  Ok?  Ok.

– Chief Tchad Beale


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