by Tchad Beale | July 1, 2015 7:38 PM
Rockford, IL – Rockford area leaders and media outlets are proclaiming Transform Rockford poopoo with regards to the recent opening of the new Woodward Governor location in Loves Park. Again, the new Woodward Governor location was built in Loves Park, IL. That’s wonderful for the region in its entirety, but slow down Rockford Ponies. Transform your horses. Let’s get our ducks in a row and shoot the daylights out with facts over fiction. Ok? Ok. Alrighty, eat some dicks.
You will never learn more after you know less as long as you stay in Rockford, Illinois, and listen to local media outlets and leaders. Little ponies feed peasants poopoo. Ahahhahahaha. That’s right!
– Chief Tchad Beale
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