REAL NOOSE: Transform Rockford is Not a Grassroots Non-Profit Organization

REAL NOOSE:  Transform Rockford is Not a Grassroots Non-Profit Organization

Transform Rockford Sponsored by RKFDnews.comIn the better interest of the community, we’ve decided to occasionally release real news tips we receive leads on for looking into further.  “Transform Rockford” is today’s topic.

Transform Rockford Sponsored by


President Obama at a recent Transform Rockford meeting, crying for the city to be proud or happy and stuff.  Or whatever.

President Obama at a recent Transform Rockford meeting, crying for the city to be proud or happy and stuff. Or whatever.

On January 16th, 2014, of this year, President Obama revealed 7 additional American cities in need of federal funding to help repair economically distressed regions as a part of the “Strong Cities, Strong Communitiesplan revealed in 2011(Click here to read the official press release from 2011.)

According to the official release, the plan is “an innovative and flexible program designed to strengthen local capacity, coordinate federal investments, and spark growth in economically distressed communities.

The seven 2014 cities are:  Brownsville, TX; Flint, MI; Gary, IN; Macon, GA; Rockford, IL; St. Louis, MO; and Rocky Mount, NC .

Rockford, IL Oh, poor Rockford, IL.  (Click here to read the official press release from Jan. 2014.)

Local business owners, public charities (like the Rockford Housing Authority (RHA)), the media, and government leaders celebrated this announcement because it means they are receiving more money-money-money to put back into the community (yeah, right)–but with a big federal catch.

Oversight of the funds and distribution will be provided by HUD and other government appointed agencies.  However, if its handled like HUD works with the banks and mortgage loans for you lucky home–owning Rockford residents, expect the worst to pile on top of the worst (higher taxes, more foreclosures) and more corruption;  the mishandling of money and distribution of it.

Why is this a problem? Money in large amounts casually disappears around Rockford region because those few individuals handling it figure out methods to put it into private investments and personal contacts through experienced, nepotistic, contracted actions which work very well in this region. Though clever and cunning by those who figured out this method in broad daylight to not lead the public on, it’s still corrupt to some degree.

Corruption and the deceitful distribution of state and federal funds by any method and matter are what works best in the Rockford region, and it’s also why we as a community has become one of 7 economically destroyed American cities.

Transform RockfordEnter Transform Rockford, late 2013, two months before the President’s announcement.  (Shh, it’s only a coincidence.)  Here are a few facts to also consider while the proud community sucks its own dicks off to help #transformrockford into a #BetterRKFD on the internet:

Transform Rockford is not a grass roots organization as many have been led to believe. They’re comprised of business owners and real-estate developers who hold future financial interests in the health of their own companies, investment properties, first and foremost.  Transform Rockford has included members  of city governed departments and public charities to promote their cause, thus shielding commercial interest origins. It is a for-profit committee at its roots, not a grass roots one.  Follow the money.

Transform Rockford publicly launched themselves in late 2013 before legally attempting to become a non-profit organization.  It also coincidently timed with President Obama’s January 16th, 2014 announcement that Rockford, IL is one of 7 American cities on a short-list of economically damaged regions that needs immediate federal assistance.

Transform Rockford Sponsored by RKFDnews.comTransform Rockford has legally filed to become a non-profit organization by taking public steps to prove they are a community orientated organization.  Those steps include holding town forums and visioning sessions (as they call them) at the Coronado, any fake modern church theater hall that offers their influence and chairs, the local colleges, and at country clubs.  The media loves it;  the Rockford Register Star went as far as releasing a special 80 page Sunday section featuring the most local advertising the region has ever seen in one newspaper since the special Christmas edition of 1961 when the economy was booming.  It’s wonderful entertainment if anything.

Transform Rockford took another step to file “transformrockford” as a “.org” domain in indirect ways, which promotes the public’s interest and increases their case for being a non-profit legally, to qualify for federal funding.   Follow the public whois registration link (click here) to the registered name, and then to the lawyer(s) involved, and then onwards to the other Rockford area boards they’re involved in and the amount of times the registration info was changed to help qualify Transform Rockford as a non-profit organization.

Remember to share this important list on social media networks with these hashtags #hivrockford and #transformrockford. It will help Rockford become an American Kingdom once again.If educating the community about our problems and listening to our ideas to make change happen in the future is their goal, doesn’t that put a few decades of efforts by those of us in the community who were doing it for free to shame?  Sure, but money talks and that is what Transform Rockford is helping Rockford do more of:  Talking more and not working more.  Now go on, use those hashtags on the internet to #transformrockford into a #BetterRKFD because it’s #ourcityourstory you’re writing–#ELOHEL.

It’s quite embarrassing to be a part of the “Strong Cities, Strong Communities” list in any fashion.  In other words, the nation formally declared Rockford, IL and six other cities as being poor, unable, unhealthy, weak, uneducated, misgoverned, mislead and underemployed.  Expect more of nothing from those locally handling the funds, people, which leads us to Transform Rockford and its perfectly timed existence.

You will definitely learn more when we know less.™

– JoAnne Rankles

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