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Bye bye 2021 happy 2022 rockford smells still New Year: Covid Update
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms
...0I Used To Be A Man, Now I Am A Sea Otter
Rockford, IL – Timothy Krill was his own man for 27 years of his life. A
...0City Leaders Ask For More Free Bedtime Geese Stories
Locals are wondering about the geese and why they’ve chosen to take up residency in our
...0Locals Reminisce of Burnt Building That Has Sat Vacant Since 1978
Downtown Rockford’s poor, old, brick Building (which sat predominantly vacant since 1978) has caused locals to
...0Expired Pasta Sauce Melts Furniture Beams at Downtown’s Huge West Side Ristorante
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Local Belief Escalates While National Hope Fades

Rockford, IL – A new study conducted by the Winnebago County Emotional Awareness Political Science Council (WCEAPSC) released a report this week proving that local “Belief” is skyrocketing. Not all that glitters is gold outside of the Rockford region as national “Hope” fades below the -4% (percentile) approval margin.
The WCEAPSC is comprised of local lawyers, real estate agents, ad firm owners, mall church directors, downtown hornets, videographers, tee shirt makers, arts and housing authority directors, tourism scoundrels, Mayor Barry Morrisson, five people from Gorman and Company, and a portion of China that is comprised of financial investors who have taken a smoke-monster-like interest in rebuilding “Belief” in Rockford, IL.
“Nothing has changed but Belief, everything is on the ups. People need to settle down! Jimmy Buffett has no intents to bail on us. Plans to paint pretty parrots all over the Ziock / Amerock building after it becomes a Chinese-funded hotel is still a go,” said Thomas O’ Reily-Kelly, Director of Extra-Community Relationships for the WCEAPSC.
You’ll learn more when we know less.
– Geroge Brawn
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