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Lombardi & Venetian Clubs Host Mother’s Day Weekend Bingo Fish Fry Tournament

Lombardi & Venetian Clubs Host Mother’s Day Weekend Bingo Fish Fry Tournament


Rockford, IL –  Two of Rockford’s premier social clubs–the Lombardi and Venetian–have hooked up to host the 1st Annual Mother’s Day Bingo Fish Fry Tournament.  

The event is open to the public this Friday through Sunday, May 9th-11th, children and mothers are welcome to participate.  

First round activities begin with a Fish Fry eating contest between members of both clubs on Friday night.  Winners of the Fish Fry will participate in the first and second rounds of Bingo being held at both clubs from 10am until 8pm on Saturday.

Also on Saturday night, a fish fry buffet celebration cooked by both clubs will be served at the Venetian Club from 8pm til 10pm, with the festivities ending with a special performance by singer-songwriter Michael Bolten at Lombardi Club from 10:30 until dawn.

Donny Vincenzo, veteran member of both the Lombardi and Venetian clubs, told RKFDnews, “We have been looking forward to bringing together the two clubs for a few decades but the timing wasn’t right.  Mothers Day Weekend seemed right.  but when Michael Bolton’s camp reached out to us to let us know he was available, the stars aligned. Rain or shine, let’s eat fish and play bingo!”

Proceeds from the event will go to Transform Rockford and RPS205.

Lino Nunzio, Lombardi member, said, “If our two clubs can keep one out of nine schools open with bingo and fish, as well as Transform stuff in Rockford, imagine what all the Rockford clubs could do with bingo and fish?”

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