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Successful Poverty Not Just For North, South and West Sides of Rockford Anymore

Successful Poverty Not Just For North, South and West Sides of Rockford Anymore

Rockford, IL— A city’s transformation has many phases.  Transforming a community requires spreading out positive data throughout Rockford.  Local leaders from city government and ad firms came together this week to upload a Power Point Poverty Solution presentation to the Google that they made on their Windows XP machines.  Mayor Morrison had this to offer:

The north, south and west sides of Rockford has been the recipient of low-income housing development projects for the last few decades.  Along with that came many good business projects to supplement housing tenant needs:  Dollar Stores, Taco Bells and Wal-Mart to name a few.

Transformation was very slow to reveal results. However, the north, south and west sides of Rockford saw a positive increase in low-wage jobs over the last four decades while the East Side slid upon the rocks of the mighty river into the internet’s cache folder.   A place where everyone ends up deleted and forgotten—until 2016.”


City leaders made the PowerPoint Poverty video report together with their favorite ad firm executives and their contracted creative slugs, whom they paid handsomely to make internets happen on the Facebook news feed. All of this happens downtown with coffee and wireless broadband speed service that Octane offers to all of the City Leaders to use for free, any day of the week. RKFDnews has observed many local YouTube and Facebook stars do their work amongst the city’s leaders at the Octane because of the free, wireless service. It’s amazing, try this: Make a video—as those take the longest to upload to the YouTubes and can spike the Comcast Xfinity data usage plan—and wait for likes, comments and shares. This is how all of us can help make Rockford great again for America on the internet again!

Rockford leaders celebrate the opening of a new Long John Silver's near the new low-income housing development project on the East Side.

Rockford leaders celebrate the opening of a new Long John Silver’s near the new low-income housing development project on the East Side.

Mayor Barry Morrison and the Knights of the Round City Council Table, along with assistance from third party developers and foreign countries—Gorman, China, India, Mexico, Milwaukee—and local public charities, are changing the East Side’s landscape this year.  New, low-income, housing development is being relocated to the East side of Rockford according to the city’s plan:

Successful poverty conditions can be nurtured with patience and equality.  It took many decades to end up on the jobs growth chart.  Long John Silver’s finally put us on the map.  People have to remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day.  Look at Rockford and how we’ve saved the North, South and West sides of Rockford,” — Alderman Pat Moot of the 18th ward.

The East Side is finally being treated fair and equal like the North, South and West sides of Rockford.  Transformation doesn’t happen over night, but if keep our heads up, work hard and think positive:  Successful Poverty results will be balanced throughout all of Rockford by 2025—and this is exactly how we can help make Rockford great for America on the internet again!

Long John Silvers
20out of 5
North Side Poverty
16out of 5
South Side Poverty
20out of 5
East Side Poverty
8out of 5
West Side Poverty
20out of 5
Making Rockford Great For America on The Internet Again by 2035
12out of 5
Visitors Vote
0out of 5


4 out of 5

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