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Tom Cruise Not Moving to Rockford, IL – Downtown Scientology Hotel On Hold

Tom Cruise Not Moving to Rockford, IL – Downtown Scientology Hotel On Hold

tom-cruise-rockfordRockford, IL – Sources close to Thom Cruise have confirmed that he is not moving to Rockford, IL, to redevelop abandoned downtown buildings. Gorman and Mayor Barry have been targeting Chinese investors and Tom Cruz to establish a Scientology Tech Center Hotel in downtown Rockford to advance the human race on the internet.

Rockford area Tourism Director, Tim Grequer, says, “Sure, this is a setback towards transforming and stuff, but it can’t stop us from moving forward towards the greater good of the community.  Stroll On State will be bigger than ever next Christmas– with or without Ted Cruise and the Chinese. We have to stay positive and strong; Hollywood will eventually come to us. No doubt!”

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– T.J. Arthur-Graham

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  1. Kim Fay 13 June, 2020, 11:28

    we don’t need that type of help

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