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Chinese Currency to Replace American Dollar in Rockford and Winnebago County

Rockford, IL – City of Rockford’s council voted to replace the American dollar currency in exchange for the Chinese Renminbi (REN) Yuan currency. A new currency designed by Chinese economic consultants for our county–Yuan Schwen Ren Barry–has been introduced to assist poorer American cities that are in need of foreign helping hands to produce work that we can’t afford to do ourselves.
The decision is immediate and affects all of Winnebago County, its public and private sector organizations, businesses and individuals must learn how to transfer their American dollars to Yuan Schwen Ren Barry.
Buy our new shirts to help Rockford attract Chinese investors to give us their money to make stuff happen, click here.
Taxes will be paid in Yuan Schwen Ren Barry, a special Chinese currency created for Rockford, IL; including property taxes, which affects every bank and insurance company doing business in Winnebago County.
The county currency upheaval is in-part a reaction to attracting Chinese investors to pay for new development projects (downtown hotel, modern housing for those in need of an estimated $240,000/per apartment space to get back on their feet, other stuff that the city has gotten their empty hands into, etc.) that are being handled and developed by Gorman and Co. with our City government and its public charity syphons.
RPS205 officials, admins, and teachers will begin teaching Yuan Schwen Ren Barry to its students starting on Feb. 23rd. Teachers are expected to learn Yuan this weekend on the internet. Board members and administrators will be sent on an all-inclusive training trip to Tokyo with Mayor Barry to learn the city’s new Chinese-Rockford currency.
Questions and concerns should be googled to learn more and know less.
– Gene, Nate’s Brother
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