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Jimmy Buffett Will Invest $6M To Paint Gorman & Co.’s Downtown Rockford Hotel

Jimmy Buffett Will Invest $6M To Paint Gorman & Co.’s Downtown Rockford Hotel

ROCKFORD, IL — Jimmy Buffett’s money has joined Gary Gorman’s plan to paint parrots and palm trees on the former downtown Amerock-Ziock building when it is turned into a $64 million hotel and conference center on the west bank of the Rock River.

I figured if Warren is going to invest his hard earned money there, it must be a good reason to invest in Rockford. My accountants are worried, I can’t pretend.  I am usually drunk by 9 a.m., which means the paperwork I looked at to decide what I wanted them to do with my money looked better on paper. I also can’t wait to nibble on some sponge cake and watch the sun bake all of those soccer moms covered in oil– if you know what I mean,” said Buffett from his Yacht somewhere in the Florida Keys.

Jay Vannigan

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