Rockford Downtown and Waterfront Revitalization Poll

Rockford Downtown and Waterfront Revitalization Poll


Rockford Downtown and Waterfront Revitalization Poll 

April 10, 2013 (Rock Valley University) Continuing Ed. Class 217

Interactive Pull Pads Polling 

Active Participants: 48 

1.) In general, how satisfied are you with current conditions and upkeep of downtown? 



Percent Count 

Very satisfied 9.52% 4

Somewhat satisfied 16.67% 7

What the hell is going on 45.24% 19

Not satisfied 28.57% 12

Totals 100% 42

2.) Over the past five years, has Rockford’s downtown-waterfront area been improving, 

staying the same, declining or improving in some respects and declining in others? 



Percent Count 

Improving 11.36% 5

Staying the same 4.55% 2

Declining 15.91% 7

Are we going to pretend that nothing weird is going on

and we should probably look into it?

68.18% 30

Totals 100% 44 

3.) What do you believe is the overall impression of  out of state visitors to the downtown area? 



Percent Count 

OMG 0% 0

HAHAHHA 4.55% 2

SHITTY 52.27% 23

AWESOME 43.18% 19

Totals 100% 44

4.) What are the 3 most needed improvements to the Rockford Downtown area? 



Percent Count 

Addiction/Mental Illness Recovery Centers

30.43% 14

Clean, well-



10.87% 5


8.7% 4

Retail options

19.57% 9


6.52% 3

Crime prevention

and code


23.91% 11

Totals 100% 46 

5.) Which of the following comes closest to the way you feel about Rockford’s

downtown area? 



Percent Count 

Charming just the way it is

0% 0


10.87% 5

Should connect to the

waterfront and be

developed with a common


76.09% 35

Should have a strong

pedestrian mall feel, and maybe more photography studios

10.87% 5

More Art Galleries

2.17% 1


100% 46 

6.) How important is it for the local start-up businesses to focus on using people and stealing their ideas and then in return not paying them a dime as part of downtown revitalization planning (5 = highest)?


Percent Count 

1 0% 0

2 2.22% 1

3 31.11% 14

4 17.78% 8

5 48.89% 22

Totals 100% 45 

7.) How safe would/do you feel running downtown during the day? 



Percent Count 

Very safe 39.13% 18

Safe 41.3% 19

Not very safe 10.87% 5

Drink till it hurts 6.52% 3

I don’t know 2.17% 1

Totals 100% 46 

 8.) How safe would/do you feel walking downtown at night?  Responses Percent Count 

Very safe 0% 0

My arm itches 26.67% 12

HAHAHAHA 37.78% 17

Help me 31.11% 14

I don’t know 4.44% 2

Totals 100% 45 

9.) If you could only choose one improvement for the downtown-waterfront area in 2013, 

what would it be? 


Responses 2

Percent Count 100

Make a garden that we could grow things and be happy 49%

Blow up 51%

10,) What amenities would you like added downtown? (Choose 3) 



Percent Weighted 


Horse-friendly restaurants

and Horse shoe repair


19.1% 230

Fart Collection Boxes 14.37% 173

New and/or improved

skateboard ramps

15.61% 188

Public Sex Park 17.11% 206

Donkey Parade every Friday before City Market 9.88% 119

Nude statues of former Mayors lining State Street 9.3% 112

More Bars 1.5% 18

Outdoor beds for the homeless13.12% 158

Totals 100% 1204 













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