Transform Rockford: Ideas For License Plate Protection – Dream Police Warns Public to Protect License Plates

Transform Rockford:  Ideas For License Plate Protection – Dream Police Warns Public to Protect License Plates

Transform Rockford By Protecting Your License Plates

Rockford, IL – RKFDP (Rockford Dream Police) released a public service announcement this past week warning residents to protect their license plates.  Nells Lazlo, a spokesperson from Transform Rockford and the RKFDP, says “This is the kind of support we need from our law enforcers, we couldn’t feel more positive about the warning. One of the first steps towards transforming Rockford into a vital city again is to protect our license plates. We received a post-it note idea at one of our vision sessions held last week at Rockford Country Club, and it said, “Protect the license plates.” We couldn’t agree more.”


If Rockford residents are wondering how they can protect their license plates, staff has a list of ideas to help you Transform Rockford and other cool stuff.  See below:

Transform Rockford by parking your car in a custom steel cage to protect your license plates.

Transform Rockford by parking your car in a custom steel cage to protect your license plates.

1) If you park your car on the streets, park it in a steel cage.  Home Depot and Lowes has customizable steel cages with gate doors to accommodate any size car, truck and bus need be.

2)  Engrave a GPS tracking chip onto your license plate, and while you’re at it, you may as well do the same to your car.

3) Cement stack a few rows of bricks to create a nice, tight parking spot in front of your house or apartment.  You will need exact measurements per car and a great skill at reverse parking.  There should be no space in front of your car or behind to prevent the gangsters or your unemployed neighbors from stealing your plates.

Transform Rockford by opening a taco stand business to protect your license plates.

Transform Rockford by opening a taco stand business to protect your license plates.

4) Open up an all seasons taco stand on your street where your car would park.  Park behind the taco stand to protect your front license plate, and stack a few card tables with folding chairs behind your car to protect your back plate.  Insure your taco stand and license plates by bolting your taco stand, tables, and chairs to the pavement.  Sometimes the best act of defense is to create a distraction to protect your license plates.

We hope this advice helps you protect your license plates. If you seem unsure, feel free to ask a Transform Rockford board member for ideas at their next visioning session, or a RKFDP agent.  

You will definitely learn more when we know less.™

– Chief Tchad Beale


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