City of Rockford Designates Wednesdays as Baby Heather Day!
Rockford, IL – The City of Rockford quickly honored the historic event that occurred at Jay and Gordon Fernandezes’ household last night when their daughter, Baby Heather, mutter her first word, “Rockford.” (Click Here To Read)
Mayor Barry Morrison’s office released a statement to the local media this morning stating that it’s “good news like this that we must share with the world on the internet with our tweets, instagram photos and Facebook emotions. The Fernandezes are a beacon of rainbow light in dark times. I hereby declare Wednesdays in Rockford, IL as Baby Heather Day.”
The City’s declaration states that every day is a day to celebrate but that Wednesday in Rockford is a day for citizens and internet lampooners to “Hug A Jay or Give a Gordon to strangers everywhere. Celebrate Baby Heather’s first word by sharing the Rockford in all of us with our own babies, families, friends, neighbors and strangers. Do it in real life or on the internet with tweets, instagram photos and Facebook posts.”
What an honor for The Fernandezes and their Baby Heather, but also for the City of Rockford. Now, go on out there today and Hug a Jay or Give a Gordon for our city’s future hope and internet stuff.
You will learn more when we know less.™
– Jay Vannigan
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