Local Positivity Fights Economic Logic

Local Positivity Fights Economic Logic
Rockford's Positive People Winning Online War On Global Logic With Balloons

Rockford’s Positive People Winning Online War On Global Logic With Balloons

Rockford, IL – The war is raging on.  Positivity is at an all-time high around the Forest City of Hopes, Dreams, Sounds and Visions.

The battle against logic for possession of peoples’ minds has taken it’s battle to popular social media outlets like Facebook.  Geraldine Fibbers, a very popular local commenter and commander of the Rockford Positivity military squad, told the world of Rockford fans on the “Rockford Gets Positive” page:

“I was like “Like” and some know-it-all nerdy troll fighting for the Logic team was like ‘tell me why you like Rockford’ and I was like ‘We have so many things to be locally proud about.’  I told the world about how wonderful living here is because I learned how to fight unemployment, crime, and other major issues with my favorite weapon, POSITIVITY!  

puppy-kitten-couple-kids-background-grass-flowers_22873Eventually fourteen thousand people ‘Like’d my positivity and we have been defeating online realists and economists. They can not challenge our positive momentum with websites, t-shirts, neat videos, kickstarter campaigns, coffee, and Facebook pages in the ways we have.  We are so thankful for everyone’s support because we believe positivity can fight crime and bring back jobs. Maybe, another Target Superstore for the west side – think positive – fingers crossed!

WE WILL WIN THE WAR VERSUS LOGIC because we are positive we will.  We are equipped with good feelings – so what if we’re unemployed, too? SO WHAT.  If you think positive, everything will be ok… but we will win this war. Watch and listen. You hear me? You see what I’m saying? Good. Now, smile! Everything gonna be ok!”

We have nothing to add but when we do, you will be the last to know how Positivity’s War VS. Logic turns out in Rockford, IL.  Keep an eye on the war online at their Facebook page, click here.

– Ron Kites

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