Rare Pokemon Sightings at Sinnissippi Park

Rare Pokemon Sightings at Sinnissippi Park

We thought The Pokemon Go craze was over but we were wrong, as the free-to-play mobile app has lost a lot of players Rockford is still going strong after last nights sighting of 3 rare Pokemon characters popped up in Sinnissippi Park area. A rare Koffing a Ditto and a Dragonair were all caught right by the Symbol.. screen-shot-2016-10-03-at-5-25-35-pm

New data released from Bloomberg shows that the game’s number of daily active users peaked around July 19th, when nearly 45 million people were using the app. That figure has gradually declined over the course of the past few weeks, and by August 16th, it was down to about 30 million.

This isn’t entirely unexpected. Pokemon Go became such a phenomenon so quickly that it’s safe to assume many people who wouldn’t ordinarily play the game downloaded it and gave it a try just to see what the hype was all about. Since then, as all the social media buzz has died down a bit, those casual gamers have probably lost interest or have been stabbed or beaten by so called “real players”…

It’s unclear whether this decline can be blamed on the many issues Pokemon Go has encountered since its launch. Gamers have experienced server crashes and game-breaking glitches that made the app quite difficult to play for long stretches of time and people showing up in hospitals from gunshot and stab wounds.. The game has been running much more smoothly during the month of August, but the nearby tracking feature, for example, is still not functioning as it was when the game first launched, mainly due to a bug that Niantic has still not been able to fix.

Ankle injuries, run ins with thugs dressed as characters from the game and walking into trees have been among the painful results.

Tommy “Tom” Tompkins, a 56-year-old freelance web designer, fell on the sidewalk and twisted his ankle while wanderingscreen-shot-2016-10-03-at-5-26-58-pmscreen-shot-2016-10-03-at-5-26-29-pm downtown on Thursday night. “I was chasing a girl who had said she saw a Squirtle or Thundermuncher” Said Tompkins from his mothers downstairs couch.

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1 comment

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  1. OldFolkie 3 October, 2016, 18:56

    Were their bodies dumped there?

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