TEDx Event Will Inspire Locals To Continue Telling Stories To Each Other
Rockford, IL –TEDx – the popular online community site that inspires professional people (and lazy web surfers needing to get their day going if coffee doesn’t) to think with other peoples ideas – is coming to town! The TEDxRockford’s PR statement says, “the goal of TEDxRockford is to tell stories around the model’s four main themes: 21st Century Brainpower, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Quality Connected Places, and Branding with New Narratives.” We thought locals were trying to do that for decades, but now we know that TED is listening to us!
We at RKFDNEWS love stories and Rockford area leaders from business and public sectors are the best at telling stories. Ever heard the one about a train? Casinos? Another Train? GAP? Construction delays? Road repairs? Lights being turned off? Unhappy Teachers? Home invasions? Cheap Trick, ever heard their story? Pissy firemen? Portillo’s? We have! Community based stories are what inspires change to occur in your pant pockets. Real change – like money, a dolla’ bill and semi-shiny metal coins, cash monies – in Rockford area workers pant pockets that is.
How does TEDx work most days for locals? We have the answers because we are inspired by you – the people – and they, the business leading prophets with grand ideas that are saving Rockford from eternal economic depression. RKFDNews.com asked local professional creative people and business leaders, including a few government-tax-paid employees who steer economic and arts development organizations with financial decisions about TEDx and his brother site, TED, and this is what you the people said, bad and good things about Mr. TED:
“I love it. Simply love it. Every morning I come to work, pour a cup of Folgers, talk to Janet for a bit in her office, visit Steve in accounts, check in on Linda in city zoning, maybe catch Chip and Rick for a quick good morning– the nighttime janitors who leave when we come in – and then I close my door, sit down, turn on my computer screen. I keep a shortcut file on my desktop of all the sites I visit at work so that I can do work. TED is my favorite. Let’s say that TED and I have a date every morning between 8:45 a.m. and 11:50 a.m. TED really helps me come up with new ideas to help the community, which is how I spend my lunches and afternoons. I meet with local investors to talk about ideas that will revive the community. We meet all the time. Lunches, drinks at Octane, you name it- TED inspires me everyday.” – Edie McFadkeefe, The RATATASIFTAWPTAHICSTVBNTAC‘s (Rockford Area’s Talk About The Arts Steal Ideas From The Artists Without Paying Them And How It Can Save The Village But Not The Artists Committee) Director of Creative Class Theft.
“A few years ago, a programmer friend passed me a link to a video on TED, after one minute, I clicked away and haven’t been back since. I meet these guys that talk on TED all the time– that’s all they do, is talk. Blah blah blah, let’s talk about it. No action. I don’t need to waste time on TED seeking inspiration from scumbags like Steve Jobs who sent tons of work to China that’s never coming back, when I’ve got more inspiration in my morning bowel movements than most so-called professional people I’ve met. TED’s success, to me, has proved how many people truly lack inspiration or thinking for themselves; along with how many ideas by true innovators are wasted by TEDiots: lazy web surfers, time wasting business & government leaders, and people who think they’re creative but need TED’s assistance to breakdown some imaginary wall to think for themselves. The irony- TEDiots, Note: I own that, copyright me. You really need inspiration that bad? Pick up a pencil and paper, try out a new musical instrument, do something you’re not used to, step out of your comfort zone, until you’ve mastered it. That could take years, decades, til death and forever. It leads to new ideas. Turn off TED, turn off the talkers who want to meet and talk about this and that and what are we gonna do? Nothing, they’re gonna talk because that’s what Rockford area business and government leaders does best– all talk, no action equals TEDiots to this guy. Paper, pens and pencils, y’all, that’s what works for me – and that’s what worked for Einstein.” – Randy Doorballs, College Graduate & Proud Single Father of Chad Doorballs, Unemployed Artist
“TED is so neat. I watch it every morning after my motorcycle ride from Roscoe to the Wisconsin border, in Beloit, where I run my company. TED advised me to high tail it out of Illinois two years ago to save my business & employees due to many Illinois leaders lack of efforts to keep running a business cost-effective. TED saved me and my employees, plus, I love the ride to Beloit on my Harley. In the summertime, I take my speedboats up to Eagle River in Northern Wisconsin. The first few years I did that it was hard to visit TED online because the T1 internet lines weren’t installed in many parts of that region. I proposed to Wisconsin business and government friends that we get T1 lines put in ASAP. Guess what, Wisconsin listened– but TED gave me the idea. I can watch TED and share TED videos on Facebook all day long from my speedboats in Northern Wisconsin.” – Ricky Snowstorm, CEO of SkinnyPurse.com
“I don’t listen to our presidents, mayors, teachers. I listen to TED and TED only these days. Going back to school would be a waste of time and money for me. Let me tell you a success story at TEDx if they let me. About 18 years ago I dropped out college after 2 months. I wasn’t ready to take my parents money for an education seriously. I enjoyed too much partying, the ladies, and I missed my Rockford area friends who stayed here after high school to keep on keeping on. This is a great town to do nothing in, I am living proof that money can create a real world education out of thin air– College wasn’t it for me. I knew I could borrow a few thousand dollars from my parents to open my own tapas bar that doubled as a hair salon during mornings to bring in more money when drinkers were resting the night’s hangover. That’s exactly what I did. I am a walking, talking, TED believer. I knew without having to finish my degree that you don’t need a degree to master the art of serving drinks in a poor town. There’s nothing else for people to do when you’re without a job and it’s a known fact that in tough times, people drink more. My alcohol delivery guys say it all the time. Cha-ching. Not everyone has access to the money I do, so for that, I feel lucky. My dad ran a bank, my mom worked for a local judge, with their connections, I scored on financial backing before the age of 19, and now look at me, I’m a community leader. I hope TEDx Rockford picks me to tell my amazing story. Screw college for sure, these politicians don’t know s__t about how a college education really works here in Rockford – it doesn’t work at all if you decide to be anything other than a teacher or nurse! TED is where it’s at. Peace bro.” – Paulo Forcibunyan, CEO of Forest City Tapas Bar and Salon
“A few years ago, I was strapped for physical exercise ideas. I clicked on TED. And wah lah, I built this fitness center with my wife’s family money overnight it seemed. Some more money came to me by the Fabulous Four Trust Fund Committe– I’d tell you their names if you’re willing to pay me $500 to secure my family’s privacy. TED taught me how to pump my brain on ideas for success. I started by taking TED’s advice to seek out those closest to me with lots of money to help realize any ideas I may have had after watching a few hours worth of inspirational videos. Along with TED, I worked out my ideas with pushups, situps, money– you name it. I thought about taking some business courses, but why? The answers came to me one morning after a TED and situp session. That was to ask my wife’s family for money, and anyone else with money to see out my grand idea to bring a little bit of L.A. to Rockford with a fitness center that could attract, families, church-goers, partiers and all walks of life. Thank you, TED!” – Michael Chance, CEO of Climax Exercise
Judging by our locals responses, the TEDx Rockford Event is sure to be an exciting way for local leaders to share stories. Stories that will inspire other locals to tell stories about thinking to think about being inspired to think about doing something online like watching more TED videos before lunches with other local TED watching fans before actually working on doing any real work that can help people, in TED-Like theory.
If you are one of the lucky winners to participate in story telling at the TEDx Rockford event on Saturday, October 27, 2012, at Sullivan Theater in scenic downtown Rockford, IL, please contact us with your amazing TEDxperience, we love stories, too: [email protected]
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