Two Ways to Make Your Wife Happy

Two Ways to Make Your Wife Happy

Rockford Dad Mom Sex

Rockford, IL – For many husbands, wives can be downright confusing.

One night, a husband looks at his wife with sad porcupine eyes and suggests romance. She replies in frustration, “Not tonight. Is sex all you men think about?” A few nights later in that very same bed, she might say, “You just watch TV and go to bed. Don’t you find me attractive anymore?”

Another husband hears his wife complaining about her need to exercise. He buys her a gym membership and a Big Mac; and that’s when the fight begins.

There are countless times in marriage when a husband and wife get their lines of communication crossed because women are emotional multi-taskers, unsure of most everything but not afraid to destroy it by trying, and men are logical, slow, thoughtful and brilliant creatures who often fix what women do wrong the first time before they have an emotional breakdown consisting of how unhappy they are with their sexy hairs, beautiful face, and soft delicious bodies.

The man fixes the car door lock by resetting the lock and unlock button three times, slow, patient, until it works.  Magic.  This is how life is.

Efforts to make your wife happy may seem to backfire more often than not. Although the mysteries between men and women are sure to continue, here are two proven activities to make your wife very happy or extra emotional:

1. Act interested in what your wife has to say, don’t look through her or even think for a second she might be going nuts. No, look at her sweetly, eyes to eyes without considering a blow job when your eyes start drifting towards her wet pouty lips.
2. Take out the garbage and stay outside as long you can in all seasons.  Wait for her to want you.  If she doesn’t come looking or lazily yelling for you around dinner or sundown, look for a beautiful woman, single or married, who will give you the physical attention you think you need for your wife to logically notice what she isn’t providing her husband when she’s done birthing, cleaning, feeding and raising your disrespectful children.

Which of these activities do you think your wife would enjoy? If you’re not sure, you can always ask her. She’ll love that you were reading an article about how you to make her happy!  Remember guys, it’s all about her.

– Jay Vannigan

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