Faith-Based Donut Shop “Glory Holes” Has Record Breaking Grand Opening

Faith-Based Donut Shop “Glory Holes” Has Record Breaking Grand Opening

Rockford — 18th Avenue was ablaze this morning, as the crowd shuffled in for the opening

of the latest faith-based coffee and donut shop. Glory Holes opened its doors to an

enthusiastic audience that was strewn around the block. “We’ve been getting calls all

week, asking when we were opening, questions about prices, you name it. The community

really seems excited about it,” said store manager Phyllis Wallace.


I walked down to greet the nearly 150 eagerly awaiting donut fans, each visibly overjoyed

about the new storefront. “You know, I work hard all week, and it’s nice to know that

there’s a place in town where I can get a release,” stated one anonymous crowd member.

“I think it’s really nice that you can come down here, and get a little something in you if

you want to. It’s a great way to take a load off,” another member stated. This isn’t the

first homerun for the faith-based community. A year ago almost to the day, the same

group opened up its first business (A faith-based clothing store named Cross Dressers).

By: Gilbert Grebner 

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