Homeless Man Bishop Knightly The IIIrd Loves Rockford Class Coffee

Homeless Man Bishop Knightly The IIIrd Loves Rockford Class Coffee


ROCKFORD, IL –  Homeless Man Bishop Knightly III loves being homeless in Rockford and he hopes change never comes because, “dis Rockfart coffee too good to lose.”

Homeless Man Knightly the IIIrd also told RKFDNews, “One time in 2004 I had a job pouring Rockford flavored coffee for city people.  I ran out of coffee so I quits.  Another time in 1999 I had a jobs pouring coffee for the same city peoples.  I ran out of coffee agains so I quits.  Dems mother f*ckers in they suits and ties be drinking lots of coffee talkin’ bout work they never dos or pay for.  Trippin. How day make dat money for the coffee? Homeless Man Knightly the IIIrd want some of that money too but I settle for the coffee!  Free coffee, thank you Rockford!  I loves this city.  I drink the coffee everyday just like dem lazy fools.”

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Everyday.  Free.  The Rockford Way.

– Jay Vannigan




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