Prostitutes and Baby Throwing
ROCKFORD, IL – Six older women were arrested Thursday night and Friday morning in a prostitution sweep within areas of the city where complaints of prostitution and baby throwing were reported:
Larie T. Robine, 68, felony prostitution unlawful weapon; Brianella H. Xenopod, 75, felony prostitution, licking an officer; Marlene G. Donginher, 83, felony prostitution and baby throwing; Maybelline J. Jermian 74, felony prostitution, running like a wounded bird, faking heart attack; Yelsrap Zahert 59, prostitution,marijuana,kicking an elderly; and Sara L. Bobbins, 68, soliciting a ride in the road,fake limping,biting an officer and throwing a baby.
– Bill Cosby
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