Mr. Bubble Stabbing – S. Alpine

Mr. Bubble Stabbing – S. Alpine

ROCKFORD, IL – North New Mildford county police responded to a business in the 6300 block of S. 11th Street.  The stabbing was reported around 11 p.m. and occurred near Los Buenissimos Liquores y Lavanderia, or a local bar, or the patio at a nearby private residence– depending on the “spin” you want to put on the event.

According to an eyewitness, the stabbing was over a coin-operated soap dispenser and a container of “Mr Bubbles” laundry soap.  One of the men stabbed the other with a full steel tang, thru-body construction, 9-inch, chef’s knife.  The assailants fled north on S. 11th st.

The victim was transported via Life-Line helicopter to Norwegian Academy of Medicine in Schaumburg.  He was treated for life-threatening injuries and is now in fair condition.

Police have yet to make an arrest.


UPDATE  12.:05: 
Police have a suspect they believed stabbed a local man earlier over a box a soap. Greg “Beetlejuice” McDaniels was arrested near a Denny’s in South New Milford after police stopped him for unlicensed tags.   He is currently being held at the West Old Milford Jailhouse.

Tags assigned to this article:
Greg "Beetlejuice" McDanielsMr. Bubble

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