My problem with Rockford

My problem with Rockford

My problem with Rockfordscaled-4
I always drink a glass of Rockford before bed, its never been a problem. I wake from nightmares often and it helps me to sleep throughout the whole night.
Then somewhere along the way, on my days off, I began having a glass of Rockford when I first woke up in the mornings to “start the day off right.” That didn’t really bother anything because it was just one glass and I usually didn’t get into much anyway.
Then I started to have a glass before lunch and then again in the afternoon because well, its my days off and I deserve to be relaxed and stress free. So what if maybe its just a glass or two too much? Its my free time, I’ll spend it how I want. Somehow, my spouse didn’t seem to notice that I was spending more and more of our money on Rockford. I guess it wasn’t a problem yet.
Now here I am, drinking one or two glasses when I get up whether I work or don’t. And if I’m off, I have two or three more glasses throughout the day. If I work, I crave it. I get stressed out and I feel like I “need” that little bit of Rockford to make it through. On top of it, I’m having another two or three glasses before I go to bed.
I’ve created a mess for myself and didn’t even realize it until now.

And that is the problem with Rockford and I. We get along too well too often. I’ve come to rely on it as much as plants rely on water.

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