Naked Man in a Fedora Fights Police

Naked Man in a Fedora Fights Police

Loves Park-  A naked 45-year-old man wearing only a purple fedora wrestled with police officers, bit them and fought off being shocked with a Taser multiple times before finally being taken into custody on Harlem road last Thursday.

Loves Park police said that William Richard Bigleone had just been released from Singer Memorial Hospital. Initially, he refused to leave the hospital property and began “ripping his clothes off and kicking anything that moved while yelling for Barbara,” said an eye witness. He  also urinated in the bushes on hospital grounds.  As of today, we still do not know who Barbara is or why he was yelling for her.

Eventually, Bigleone  left and started walking on North Main Street and headed across the Harlem Bridge with nothing but a hospital gown on, spitting on cars and flashing his private parts at passing cars.  Robert Wilson lives in the neighborhood and saw Bigleone’s private parts, saying, “Dude’s huge yo, but he needs a haircut if he wants to keep a lady around.”

He then walked into a business, and when officers arrived to escort him out, he fought with them over a can of Raid and a lighter that he found.  2 Police officers received serious burns as Bigleone escaped and ran off.

Police said Bigleone tried to carjack a van. Though officers used their Taser on him, it had little effect and Bigleone ran off and then headed toward a garage sale.  Again, officers used their Taser, but it had no effect on him. Again Bigleone  put up a fight this time with a lawn rake and a shovel. 3 more officers were hurt.

Ultimately, 12 police officers caught up with Bill at the corner of Alpine and Harlem roads. As they tried to handcuff him, he grabbed an officer’s leg and wouldn’t let go, police said. He also bit officers in the course of the struggle and told them he loved them.  Once he was arrested, 5 officers struck Bigleone  multiple times in the temple with sticks that “resembled something out of Mad Max,” an eyewitness stated.
Only after the officers delivered those strikes were police able to take Bigleone into custody.  He was fed a ton of meds and a foot long subway sandwich to alleviate the tranquilizers.

Bigleone was taken back to the hospital. His current condition isn’t known.
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fedoranaked manWilliam Richard Bigleone

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