Passion & Hard Work Will Not Open Doors Without Crumbling Your Rockford Cornbread Into Positivity Pudding

Passion & Hard Work Will Not Open Doors Without Crumbling Your Rockford Cornbread Into Positivity Pudding

Coffee With Chief Tchad

Letters From Our Editor, Chief Tchad Beale

Chief Tchad Beale, Editor, and his fiancé, Linda, enjoy fine dining in the state of Wisconsin before heading back to Rockford for coffee and transformational talking about positivity city stuff.

Chief Tchad Beale, Editor, and his fiancé, Linda, enjoy fine dining in the state of Wisconsin before heading back to Rockford for coffee & chit-chat.

Hello, Rockford, it’s been awhile since we’ve talked. It’s me again, Chief Tchad Beale.  I am one of the most powerful internet men in the United States of Your City and Your Story to pile up a fresh dump on top of your sh*t, and then proceed to shovel it on back where it came from to begin with–Rockford, IL.  That’s right, a big ol’ fresh pile of stinky positivity-poo-pudding made for you!

My fiancé, Linda, and I were laughing on our smart phones last night while enjoying a nice meal in Wisconsin, and Rockford passion and hard work came up for discussion. She asked me to talk to you, the people of Rockford and all across North America, the Middle East, China, and lest not we forget:  Detroit, Flint, Modesto, and Cleveland.

Let’s talk briefly about internet passion and opening the doors to your own opportunities in tough times while being a poor a*sed, hard working, sh*t shoveling, m*ther f**ker from North America’s armpit, Rockford, IL, shall we?


Your cornbread crumbles…

My staff can not emphatically state enough internet words to express to all of you quite clearly that genuine passion AND hard work (in Rockford) will NOT open doors for opportunities you thought possible without kissing the politicians and half-educated business leaders asses or p*ssing off your creative peers, but it will pay off elsewhere.

… into Rockford's Positivity Pudding!

… into Rockford’s Positivity Pudding!

The proof is in the cornbread when it crumbles in Rockford’s positivity pudding!

Please leave your internet comments and positive Rockford emotions below. Til next time, your editor and spiritual compass,

Chief Tchad Beale

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  1. Am 9 February, 2014, 11:14


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  2. Anonymous 28 January, 2014, 11:57

    Eating in Wissconsisn. Outstanding!

    Reply this comment

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