Rare Steven Quimby piece found in Rockford Art Museum Basement.

Rare Steven Quimby piece found in Rockford Art Museum Basement.

A rare piece of art was found hidden behind an old heater in the basement of the Rockford Art Museum last week.
When a keen-eyed employee at the museum opened the package and noticed the signature style half horse-duck-alligater and several horse heads, she knew well enough to set it aside.
“I didn’t know how much at that time, but I said, ‘We have some money here I know this is a Quimby it has to be!,” said Stephanie Judson, a curator at the museum ., told RKFD News
Turns out, the work of art is a rare piece by American painter Steven Quimby (1923-1983) and is worth about $12,000,000. The painting Horsey Duck Duck Horsey Doo was one of his most famous paintings and was once owned by Liberace.
Quimby was sometimes described as an out of the box realist with bright ideas and colors and a flair for painting horses and other animals. Fun fact he never sold a single painting until his weird and tragic death in 1983.When a maltese falcon flew in his apartment window and pecked him to death because it smelled fresh bacon.
No other information is available and probably never will be.

Horsey Duck Duck Horsey Doo (1954)

Horsey Duck Duck Horsey Doo (1954)

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