Rockford Golfers Welcome African-American Golfers and Ludacris to Roscoe, IL

Rockford Golfers Welcome African-American Golfers and Ludacris to Roscoe, IL

Steve Hasselberger, White Golfer (Banker’s Son by Day) from Rockford, IL’s Green Dogs Club says, “Roscoe is a predominantly white community that loves it’s golf courses.  One could say that it’s our test market to see how this is going to go from a Marketing Meets 2012 Civil Rights Golf  Movement perspective.”

Ludacris to Perform At The Inaugural and Internationally Historic Civil Rights Golf Sporting Festival in Roscoe, IL, May 13-20th, 2013.

Rockford, IL – One of Rockford, IL’s many, many Whiteys-only Golf Clubs, The Rockford Green Dogs, has come up with a new way to attract players, specifically black golfers and Ludacris:

Traditionally in golf, we’ve had lower than average participation from African-Americans, so we decided it was time to do something about it,” says Steve Hasselberger, president of the Rockford Green Dogs.  “We worked with the Rockford Businessman’s Commission, city council members, and the Park District to come up with a fun event to encourage more African-Americans to hit the links and to hit them fast.  We have the most beautiful golf courses for a poor Illinois town. We figured it was time to share the fields of nice green grass with the rest of our hillbilly elitist community.”  According to Hasselberger and the marketing campaign he’s planned, the whole thing is going to be “da bomb! Is that how you say it?

“Da’ Green Dawgs,” a variation on the club’s name, is a week long outreach to Rockford’s Non-Whitey Golfers.  Instead of serving White Golfer Speciality foods and drinks like lobster and whiskey sours, local courses will serve soul food specials, bowls of jambalaya on the back nine and some tall-boy 40 ouncers (in cans and bottles).

Mad-Dog 20/20 will sponsor the the front nine holes. The first 500 to register under the program will receive a free  Newport Menthol Lite shoulder tote and a copy of Ludacris’ recent cassette because the week will end with a free concert by grammy-winning rapper and talented golfer, Ludacris, at Red Hill Country Club in Roscoe, IL.

Roscoe is a predominantly white community that loves it golf courses.  One could say that it’s our test market to see how this is going to go from a Marketing Meets 2012 Civil Rights Movement perspective.”  Hasselberger adds,We feel like this movement could make history as long as the white people in the community don’t go crazy way out there in Roscoe and the surrounding predominantly white region.  As far as Rockford and city-side golfers go, we’re not worried about our White Golfers– we are advanced as humans when it comes to race and cultural acceptance on the golf courses.  I hope so.  My white forefather golfers and I have prepped our white golfing friends for this at our bank outings, to accept this, for the last 200 years.  I hope they listened to us over whiskey sours and back nine hot dogs.”

“I’m real happy to support [Da’ Grass Dawgs], you feel me?”, said Ludacris in a phone interview. “I mean, when my [homie] Stevie Hasselberger called me up and told me he wanted to get more black people golfing, I knew I had to represent for Rockford and the world [you know what I mean?].  I straight up love the sport of golf. Anything I can do to help promote it and get the children involved, I’m down.”

“Word,” added Ludacris.

The event will be held May 13-20, 2013.  Visit the the Rockford Grass Dogs website for more information.


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  1. Mario Carter 18 November, 2012, 22:37

    Yo hey, this is an exciting announcement. Golfin is expensive, even if our economy wasn’t in the crapper. I’ve been wanting to play for years but never have the opps, ya know? I mean TIger is my boy, and Luda? Get outta here. Oh, so can non african-americans participate in this? I’m Italian, mostly, and that’s practically black, right? This sounds like a fantastic event, looking forward to it.

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    • RKFD NEWS GOD 19 November, 2012, 15:42

      You can say that again, “Golfin is expensive…”! We agree. Even if golfing and rapping were cheaper to attend in a better economy, we here at still wouldn’t spend our time and money at a Golf Hip-Hop festival. We do know that people in Rockford, Roscoe, Rockton and the surrounding areas love golf, and Ludacris. So, this should do well with the majority.

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