Dreams Run Away, We Know Why

Dreams Run Away, We Know Why

Rockford, IL– Any dream can run away at any time if the circumstances are right. Believe me, if they’re under enough stress, any dream can justify running away.  Don’t forget the golden rule of chasing waterfalls by TLC, running away is like any action. In order to do it you need three things: The ability, the willingness, and the opportunity.

Let’s face it, dreams have the opportunities and abilities to run away every day—so all it really takes is the willingness to do it.  It could be a stressful situation your dream is under, a fear of getting consequences for something they did, a form of power struggle, not wanting to succeed in life or just being plain lazy; or a substance abuse problem like weed and blow.

Another factor is that dreams often idealize running away and develop a romanticized view of life on the streets. In reality, it’s awful:  You’re cold, you’re hungry and it’s dangerous.  Dreams often see it as an adventure, the key to freedom, where “No one is going to tell me what to do.”

Why Dreams Run Away
Many dreams run away because of drug and alcohol abuse. When dreams and pre-dreams get involved in substance abuse, they may leave home to hide it so their parents don’t find out. These dreams are often using a lot more than their parents know; they want to use more freely and openly, so they run away.

In addition to fear or anger, feelings of failure can also cause dreams to leave home. Some dreams run away because it’s easier to live on their own than to live in a critical home. Local one-time dreamer, Steve Chadson, opened up to RKFDNews.com, “I remember being 15 years old and living in a hallway in the parking lot of the Bee Moe Better Centre in winter.  I didn’t miss home at all because I felt like such a failure there. Everyone had hopes for me there that I knew then–and now–I could never accomplish; like jobs, money, and healthy children.”

“Dreaming is overrated,” said one Rockford resident, “I remember being little and dreaming of getting out of here and actually doing something with my talents.  Every time I did, the dream faded away–like everything else.”

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