WZOK Weighs In On The Jefferson vs. East Rockford Post-Game Dance

WZOK Weighs In On The Jefferson vs. East Rockford Post-Game Dance
Rockford East Jefferson Basketball Fight

Rockford East VS. Jefferson Basketball Fight.  Despite what appears to be an unfair advantage by the white team, the black team won because the white team was too short to keep on dancing.

Rockford, IL – We couldn’t think of anything funny to say about the post-game dance that went down between high school athletes and their friends and parents on the basketball court after Jefferson beat Rockford East in an important sports ball game.  We knew that if we were patient enough, the rest of Rockford’s media and social media community would say it for us.

We were extra patient with waiting for someone to tie in the “Transform Rockford” campaign to high school basketball post-game fights, or a dance as we saw it online.

You make us proud Rockford, and not in a ‘one of the 7 deadly sins’ way.  Stay proud (in the 7 deadly sins way) and keep on fighting for stuff, things, sportsball and transformations!

“Published on Mar 6, 2014  The Steve Shannon Show on 97ZOK 5:30 – 10AM.  After the show, there’s always One More Thing. The fight after the East/Jefferson BBall game happened. How are you going to react?”

Here’s footage from the dance.


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  1. Baba 7 March, 2014, 21:53

    Sad.. pathetic… wonder why Rockford is looked down on so much. Of course, there will be little or no recourse for the punks.

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  2. Anonymous 6 March, 2014, 16:59

    I feel like he wanted to bitch about Transform Rockford, but can’t…bc he gets paid to not say those things…

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    • Red Nail 6 March, 2014, 17:53

      I met the exec. dir. transform for breakfast earlier this week… I think even he feels that way about the group

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  3. Red Nail 6 March, 2014, 16:22

    If everyone thinks positive the pothole will disappear like fresh flapjacks in front of a fat man

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