Annual Chili Hoedown is Cancelled.
ROCKFORD (RKFD) – The annual Chili Hoedown is cancelled.
This year’s event was set to be at David’s Park and the Bee Moe Better Centre on October 13th, but organizers say they had to cancel because of the road conditions in downtown Rockford. There are also concerns for the sewer pipes that run from downtown to the river; “With all the leftover waste estimated from last year’s successful Chili Hoedown, I am not sure if the pipes could handle the leftovers anticipated for what would have been this year’s successful event. All of that left over chili creates an over-flow. It’s not like we can flush a magic toilet, and then poof, bye bye to the river,” said Pipe Specialist and Water Comptroller, Robbie ‘Smokey’ Bowlington III.
Ray’s Fine Downtown Threads usually sponsors the competition. More than 50 teams compete to see who has the best chili recipe. This year’s cancelled event would have seen the return of the great Salsa Dancing event. The floor of the Bee Moe Better Centre would have been filled with 10,000 gallons of salsa, and 5 lucky couples dance the Samba in rubber boots!
“We are extremely upset,” said owner Ray Ray. “This event brings together both communities of people, East and West Siders, but now we have nothing to look forward to. Absolutely nothing to end the summer with. This was our Thanksgiving event, it cost us so much. Thanks, now I have fire Steve because we can’t afford to keep him around with this event cancelled.”
Plans are being held for next years event but Steve won’t be around.
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