Couple’s Vacation At LaFayette Hotel Ruined By Lady Bugs

Couple’s Vacation At LaFayette Hotel Ruined By Lady Bugs

LaFayette Hotel took this picture of Beatrice Lolthando and Larry’s vacation room to prove the beautiful hotel’s innocence against the Colorado couple’s claims.

A woman from Colorado Springs, CO, and her boyfriend, Larry, reported a Lady Bug invasion at the Rockford hotel where they’re vacating.  It forced them to cut their vacation to Rockford, IL, short.  It’s two words you hate to hear next to one another on vacation anywhere.  Lady

Beatrice Lolthondo called to tell us, “I have bite marks all on my butt and stomach because I sleep naked. It wasn’t my boyfriend, Larry. I asked him if he bit me in my sleep.  He said no.”  Lolthondo and her boyfriend drove 20 hours to stay in the world-famous Lafayette Hotel, located in sunny, downtown Rockford.  That’s when their Lady Bug invasion began. After screaming every night for 3 nights, “Oh My God, Larry, oh my God, Larry,” and for help, Lolthondo and her man, Larry, says the hotel blamed them for the Lady Bug invasion.

The Lafayette’s legal counselor to the owner’s friend who manages the beautiful downtown hotel says they’ve “never had problems with Lady Bugs,” and what Lolthondo claims is not only false but absolutely insane.  “Insane.  Beatrice Lolthondo is insane.  She is a Lady Bug collector.  She had Lady Bug bed sheets for Christ’s sake.  She had a Lady Bug coffee cup and a calendar she hung.  She is a Lady Bug addict and that’s all I have to say.”

Lolthando has evidence though, the same evidence as the LaFayette Hotel.  Both parties took pictures of her bed sheets to prove that Lady Bugs were in fact present in some crazy way.  We here at can honestly tell you, we don’t know it they are real lady bugs or fake cartoon lady bugs painted on the bed sheets.  Lolthondo and Larry burned their clothes outside the LaFayette to protest the hotel before they ended their vacation in Rockford early.  They’re back in Colorado Springs telling everyone how awful their vacation to Rockford, IL was.

WREX-TV in Rockford reported another strange occurrence of bed bugs at the same hotel last night.  Coincidence?  We don’t know.  If you know more, we know more, email us at:  [email protected]


Bed Bugs Attacks Lady At The Beautful LaFayette Hotel

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