Free Wagon Rides – City Market Party Returns to Downtown

Free Wagon Rides – City Market Party Returns to Downtown

Wagon.rides3892ROCKFORD, IL – Rockford, IL’s fourth annual summer and early fall downtown party returns tomorrow for another ride–that is–free wagon rides home!

To assist the weekly party goers that hit the downtown area for City Market Days every Friday, free wagon rides will be available along with horses and ponies on stand-by to help the region’s drunkest shoppers along with the know-it-alls and the who’s who amongst the Rockford area’s social scene (the drunkest and wealthiest) get back home safely.

“We hope this is a bonus for more people to come downtown and get drunk with us every Friday after work… work!  Who works on Friday?  Come on down, who has time to work in Rockford when City Market Days are back?”, said Ron Baldwin, another positive thinking board member of something neat going on downtown while the rest of the city is in ruins.

Free wagon rides will be available from 6pm til 10pm, two hours after the Market’s closing time.  If you miss a wagon or fall off of one during and after the Market, don’t worry, there’s plenty of bars to stumble into and the cabs pass by major streets every 5 minutes.

Go ahead, Rockford, stay on the wagon and have a safe summer at City Market Days!

– Gilbert Grebner

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