Golden Apple Winner Hates Apostrophes

Golden Apple Winner Hates Apostrophes

Rockford, IL – Alex Pratt, a local math teacher, confessed to a group of his peers on a recent weekend bar hopping adventure that he “hates apostrophes,” and goes out of his way to avoid them in every day life.

“I really do not like them, at all, and have always felt this way,” says the 2011 Golden Apple Teacher winner, Pratt.

“My students ask me all the time, ‘What’s up with you and Apostrophes, Mr. Pratt?’ I’d rather not tell them, but I will tell, my ex-wife loved them.” Mr. Pratt added, “Do you think I’d be the reigning 2011 Golden Apple winner in Rockford if I used the apostrophes in my teaching style? Doubt it.  I won what I won by avoiding apostrophes, period.”

Alex Pratt grew up in Chemung, IL, a small town that has a history of Apostrophe abuse.

More on this story tomorrow.


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alex prattapostrophesgolden apple winner

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