Where’s Rick? There’s Larry! #3

Where’s Rick? There’s Larry! #3

Rick Nielsen

Sighting provided by Lee Bottoms, Rockford, IL:

“My boy Gourden and I were so bored on Saturday.  We head on up to the Taco Bell on East State Street to use they WiFI every now and then so that’s what we did.  Terry was ordering a bean burrito and lo-and-behold, there the f__k was Ricky M____r F_____g Nelson, y’all.  I dint know who he was at first but all the white people were like, “Yo that’s Cheap Trick, yo.”  I says to Gourdy after he done gittin’ his burrito, “Who the hail es that?” and he say to me, “Aw s__t bro, that be Cheap Trick.” So I was still confused.  I went up to Mister Cheap Trick to axe him who the hail he be and he looks at me, puts his hand in his pocket, and whips a guitar pic at me!  He whuh just laughing at me.  I thought it was rude at first and says, “what the hail, bro? Who the hail do you think you are?”  He laugh at me.  Before you knows it, everybody at the Taco Bell be laughing at me.  They call his name, “Rick, here yo Fiesta Taco With Sushi.” I was like, “What the hail? They be no sushi at Taco Bell!” So he leave and I’m like, what the hell?  Hours later I was chilling with my TV at home and I feel around my pocket a bit.  I pull out that damn guitar pic and it says, “Ricky Nelsen” all tiny in scribbly letters.  Yo, I saw Ricky M____r F_____g Nelson.  I gonna tale everybody.”

“I like, tapped him on the shoulders and said, “Um, like, can you move your head a bit to the left, or, like, to the right? I can’t see Larry.”” – Jenny Poletreebergsteinstrom

Larry Morrissey

Sighting provided by Jenny Poletreebergsteinstrom, Rockford, IL:

“I was like, really, into a plate of chips when I saw Larry.  Oh my God, like, this old man with hair was in my way and I like, tapped him on the shoulders and said, “Um, like, can you move your head a bit to the left, or, like, to the right?  I can’t see Larry.”  The old man was like, “Whatever, sure.” and I was like, “Omg, like really, do I have to ask you to move your fricking head?”  Like really.  So, like, yeah, um, that’s when I, like, saw Larry speaking. Whatevs. YOLO.

This concludes week three’s local celebrity sightings of Rick and Larry.  Click here to catch up on all sightings of Rick and Larry.

Where's Rick?  There's Larry!  (Photo of Rick Nielsen and Larry Morrissey By Nels Akerlund)

Have you seen Rick and Larry and can’t wait to tell everyone? Read below.


George Brawn, Entertainment Reporter, RKFDNews.com

Where’s Rick? There’s Larry! is a weekly column presented by RKFDNews.com entertainment reporter, George Brawn. It’s centered around the whereabouts of celebrity sightings of local superstars, Mayor Larry Morrissey and Rick Nielsen. Brawn collects natives’ emails, peasants’ phone calls, savages’ text messages and weirdos’ undercover photos about where Rick and Larry have been.  If you have a sighting of Larry and Rick– or, you’re a local business that wants to advertise your business or government agency in conjunction with having $erved these local celebrities please report your awesome Rick and Larry experience to George, now:  Click here.


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