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We Endorse Caitlyn Jenner To Lead Rockford Transformation

We Endorse Caitlyn Jenner To Lead Rockford Transformation

Rockford, ILTransformation is in the air. Who better than to take Rockford’s first phase of transformation, Vison, to its second level, Reality?

Caitlyn Jenner. We the people of Rockford endorse you to lead us from Vision to Reality in our city’s transformation process.


rockford-vision-realityOur doors to community transformation are open. Vision is in full force. Belief permeates the village, and yes, the trees are standing strong. We belief you can be the leader we have been waiting for to launch us into the REALITY phase of transformation.  We belief that the cultural impact you’ve had on American television audiences will carry over well to the Rockford, IL, community.

We are beliefers.

rockford-welcome-to-realityStay with us for two nights and we will give you the key to the theaters and country clubs.  A TEDTalks stage awaits you to talk, and ultimately, transform us.  Free coffee, too.

We will wait to hear from you. Until then, we will learn more to know less.

– Ron Kites

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