City Prepares to See Art and then Drink Beer – Fall ArtSeen 2013!
Rockford, IL – The very popular city-wide event, ArtSeen, is going on this weekend in the Forest City of Dreams and Hope. ArtSeen 2013 will be everywhere, from downtown to the far east side. People will be everywhere looking at the art and then spending their money in bars.
If looking at someone’s home-made garbage disguised as art and then spending your money on cheap beer afterwards instead of on art isn’t your thing, head for Wisconsin or find a nice booth at Red Lobster.
NOTE: There will be no art on display at Rockford’s most popular places– Chili’s, Lonestar, Old Chicago, Buffalo Wild Wings and iHop.
If you’re like us and have a more successful financial time selling garbage disguised as art online to people from other cities, states and countries that appreciate your talents, you’ll want to get the hell out of town til Sunday.
Your best chance for exile this weekend is to take route 2 towards Wisconsin before ArtSeen 2013 begins. Once you reach your destination, find a nice hotel and relax. Don’t forget to tell the hotel desk of choice that you’re from Rockford, Illinois– sympathetic poverty discounts are almost always applied.
You’ll learn more when me know less.™
– Lisa Soland
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