Fortunate Artists Pray For City’s Salvation

Fortunate Artists Pray For City’s Salvation

Fortunate artists gather at Davis Park, Rockford, IL to pray for their city’s salvation

Rockford, IL – Artists throughout Rockford, IL, have been gathering at Davis Park for about 5 years to pray for their city’s resurrection from the pits of economic hell.

“Most of us have been creating from a heavenly, righteous place for quite awhile because we are survivors and creators. We taught ourselves how to save ourselves many years before, but most people in Rockford can’t save themselves. Teachers, nurses, bartenders, all eight to fivers have no idea how to save themselves through these terrible, economic times, and they need our help & spiritual guidance. This is our duty to the community, to pray for them. To save them,” says Lisa Snowman, a famous local painter.

“I feel like it’s my duty to the community to make these awesome T-shirts for the people, and to sell them to the people at an affordable cost.  I want them to know that I am proud about my city, and these T-shirts will help them feel better and work harder to be proud about Rockford, Illinois.  The Lord came to me and said, make these T-shirts, they will help your city survive one more day.  Just one more day is what we are here praying for, for Rockford,” says local screen printer, Arthur Chino.

If you’d like to gather with all of the local artists at Davis Park to pray for the city’s salvation, contact us at:  [email protected]

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  1. Skeddy 3 October, 2012, 04:00


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  2. Jeb 3 October, 2012, 03:59

    Arthur Chino used to rub backs for a livin. Now he’s a wise GUY!

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