Locals Debate Romney-Obama Debate At Stop-N-Go

Locals Debate Romney-Obama Debate At Stop-N-Go

Locals debate the first debate between Romney and Obama on the morning after at Stop-N-Go

Rockford, IL – A debate about the first Romney – Obama debate went down at Stop-N-Go on North Main St. in Rockford, IL today.  Local man, Terry Chadwick, stopped in for the newspaper and coffee to find himself in the center of a circle of people talking about the 2 men they saw talking on TV last night.

“We all agreed that it’s a special time in our country for republicans and democrats. To watch two of our brightest men out of millions of candidates talk about how they’re going to take care of us was really neat to reminisce about before work at Stop-N-Go,” said Mr. Chadwick.

Janet Syversun was there, too, picking out candy bars for breakfast with her five kids, “I felt like both men represented me and my single mom friends pretty well.  I don’t know who I’m going to vote for yet, but when that white man with the nice hair said he liked Big Bird, my kids clapped and that makes me happy because my kids love Big Bird.  As long as my kids are taken care of, I’ll vote for anyone who helps me take care of my kids for me.”

Local man, Aaron DiTonjavio, finished college about 8 years ago and has been out of work since 2006, had warm thoughts to share with the group, “I think it’s fair to say that both men will continue to uphold the situations of many people like me.  I feel pretty lucky to wake up in Rockford, IL, every morning, walk to my favorite store, Stop-N-Go, to buy beer and chips for breakfast.  I thank all of America’s taxpayers for taking care of me and my online gamer friends from Rockford the last few years while I figure out how to get the hell out of dodge– and I think both men will still take care of me wherever I relocate my gaming skills to.  I don’t know who I’m voting for but I might vote with Obama because it won’t mess up what I have going on with my current Madden 2012 season.”

DiTonjavio had to leave the store debate early telling the group, “Sorry guys, I have my game on the Xbox paused.  I need to go finish the second quarter. I’ll see some of you tomorrow morning.”

The small crowd spent about 35 minutes talking about Romney and Obama before other customers at the Stop-N-Go complained that they had waited to long to purchase their coffees before getting to their jobs.  To work.

If anyone hears of other debates about last night’s debate going on in the Rockford area, please contact:  [email protected]

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