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Mr. Lobo Nails Guitar Solo on Metallica’s “One” at Whiskeys

Mr. Lobo Nails Guitar Solo on Metallica’s “One” at Whiskeys
Lars Matters, popular Metallica cover band from Rockford, IL, pictured backstage in 2008 at Waterfront

Lars Matters, popular Metallica cover band from Rockford, IL, pictured backstage in 2008 at Waterfront.

Rockford, IL – Mr. Don Lobo has been rocking out to good times with his buddies in their popular Metallica cover band Lars Matters for years. However, nothing tops the guitar solo he nailed on their improvised version of “One” by the metal rock and roll legends at Whiskeys Bar on North Main Street in Rockford this past weekend.

His bandmate and vocalist, Lance Reynolds, screamed, “Oh, God, please help me,” before an epic “Darkness imprisoning me” part.  That’s when Mr. Lobo took off on the steel horse he rides.

The crowd yelled in appreciation when Lobo gave way with an echoing E-flat chord on his V-neck Telecaster to drummer Niles Fostgrins’s drum rolls.

Jerry Nooks said, “Crushing.  I am crushed, dude.  I’ve never heard Mr. Lobo play like that before. I’ve seen this band 1,000 times since 1991 and can tell you that that was his finest moment nailing a solo on one of my favorite Metallica songs.”

Lars Matters has been selling out bars and taverns for years in the northern IL region.  They’ll be playing at Kryptonite in downtown Rockford this coming weekend. Catch them while you can.

You will learn more when we know less.™

– Gilbert Grebner

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