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Phase 1: Make a Twitters With a Facebooks Page — Making Rockford Great For America On The Internet Again

Making Rockford Great For America On The Internet Again has many phases.  Each of you is responsible for helping Google, Chinese project development investors, Gorman, Larry and the City of Rockford, and its most influential people—some (mainly the same few downtown individuals)—become a top 25 American City by 2025!

Phase 1: Make a Twitters With a Facebooks Page

Making-Rockford-Great-AgainYou can do this.  Twitter and Facebook offer incredible, privacy-invading, emotional marketing options to provide Rockford the necessary strange, positive content needed to pollute the internet and Google with positive stuff about the Rockford in order to cover up statistics and facts about our poor quality of life (crime, education, nepotism, pride etc.) and lack of decent career opportunities.

Start with the keyword, “Rockford,” and add an adjective to it:  “Happy Rockford,” or “Hungry For More Fast Food Rockford.”

You can get clever, too. Invert your “Rockford” keyword, make it the adjective—like this:  “Rockford Proud,” or “Rockford Pretty.”

Remember this, proper grammar does not matter in Rockford or on the internet.  People are attracted to lies, poor grammar, and real people using their real birth names to share their fucked up opinions on the internet.


Dress up your social medias with pretty pictures and videos.  Come up with a logo in Corel Draw or a downloadable app.  You can do it, everyone is a designer , videographing youtuber and photographer.  Try out some neat filters for Rockford!  Make it nice, people do not like abstract or intelligent design.  Stay true to familiar shapes:  Squares, no circles. Circles confuse the people of Rockford.

Talk about whatever makes you feel good about Rockford.  Make some hashtags, invite people to your pages to leave reactions.  All of these tasks help Phase 1 increase “Rockford” as a positive keyword—not a naughty negative one—on the search engines.  Also, they help many companies make millions of dollars off of your information.  Some of that money comes from your city leaders.  They are spending money to cover up facts with emotional social media posts and accounts that offer a tunnel-vision portrayal of Rockford.

Making Rockford Great For America On The Internet Again

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