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Believe: Debut Book by rkfdnews Available Now!

Believe:  Debut Book by rkfdnews Available Now!


"Believe," written by rkfdnews and published by Life Artners (December 1st, 2014) Click to download a hi-res press release image (jpg).

“Believe,” written by rkfdnews and published by Life Artners.   Click to download a hi-res press release image (jpg).

Press Release, December 14th, 2014

Believe,” the debut book by rkfdnews is now available to purchase. It is available in print and digital formats. Amazon (U.S. and International)Barnes & Noble (and many other online book retailers) are carrying it nowLimited signed copies by its authors and artists are only available from a few independent sources, read below for book details, ordering options and

  • Believe is available in print and digital formats for your hands, book shelves, coffee tables, tablets, book readers and crappy smart devices.
  • If you buy our printed book from Amazon, you will receive the eBook for free from Amazon through their Kindle store. The Kindle version eBook features interactive links and color images–exclusive to Amazon buyers.  Note: Apple iBooks and Nook users, digital eBook versions will be available in early 2015, but there is a free Kindle app to enjoy on any of your crazy digital devices to enjoy the eBook now vs. waiting.  Your best bang of your buck will be buying the print version to receive the free eBook version from Kindle.
  • A limited amount of signed and numbered first edition copies (166) were mailed to pre-order customers (they who took advantage of a 48 hour Cyber Monday Dec. 1st sale) on Dec. 15th, 2014.  Each customer already received a download PDF of the book in advance for taking advantage of the pre-sale offer.
  • A limited amount of signed copies by the authors, Chief Tchad Beale, Chief Jay Vannigan and Ron Kites, will be available at Phoenix Traders and Olympic Tavernlocated in Rockford, IL.   Additional northern IL locations may be announced soon, but with extreme limitations applied due to the equally-extreme lack of time, money and patience that we have for dealing with Rockford area businesses and their poor ethics. (See below for requirements)
  • A limited amount of artist signed copies (12) by Andy Whorehall, the book’s illustrator and one of many contributing authorsare available at his online store. Each book order comes signed with an interactive download PDF link of the book and a signed miniature 6″ x 6″ archival ink print of one of the illustrations featured in the book.Phoenix Traders
  • A limited amount of artist signed copies (12) by Johnny Emerald the IIIrd, Rockford’s Homeless Pop Star, are available at’s store. Each book order comes signed and with an interactive download PDF link of the book and a free download of MP3s by him.
  • Believe” is available for independent stores to purchase at wholesale bulk order rates to sell in your stores.  Minimum requirements are necessary to purchase from Life Artners:1) Minimum order requirement is 1o books.Wholesale discount available through our publisher, Life Artners. Discount does not apply towards S&H fees.
    2) Rockford, IL / Winnebago County businesses must fill out a 1 page application form for our publisher, Life Artnersto review; to insure that your business, intellect, ethics and interests are worthy of carrying our book to begin with. Sorry, no scumbags, penny pinchers, public charity thieves and Transform Rockford reps who run businesses will be approved. NOTE:  Out of city or state store owners need not fill out the form. Please email our publisher, Life Artners, to request a wholesale bulk order and an approval application.Olympic Tavern
  • Believe retails for a list price of $24.95 with major online retail companies. Sales and discounts vary per major online retail sellers and quantities in stock. We have no control on those sales, discounts, special offers. Shop around.
  • Prices vary per independent seller and are based on the limited quantities that are made available, and if they are signed or not.  (If you don’t want your book signed, you may as well pay less at Amazon, yes? Yes, but it’s up to you.  This is not your average book as it has interactive links to music, videos and other outsider folk art resources that exists to further reveal how deep, dark and often ignored the creative well of Rockford, IL, is.)

Paperback: 256 pagesAmazon_logo
Publisher: Life Artners; First Edition edition (December 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0692334890
ISBN-13: 978-0692334898
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.8 ounces

rkfdnewsBook Description:  MADE IN THE U.S.A. – Written, illustrated, created and published in Rockford, IL / Printed in South Carolina, Delaware, Indiana and a few other states not named Illinois. (Fact, this was an intentional, creative, politically-minded business move.)

Believe, rkfdnews, Andy Whorehall Signed“Believe” is a collection of noose breaking stories inspired by the city of Rockford, Illinois, and its strange, beautiful people. This book, your bible, contains 256 thrilling pages filled with words, illustrations and photos about fast food, poverty, crime, carp, Quinn Gelastio, Willard Hunter, Johnny Emerald The IIIrd, TED, Lord Thomas Derby, Simbo, $cumbags, animals, romance, sex, medicine, health, fitness, fried chicken, pizza, tacos, cantaloupes, nutrition, science, unemployment, finance, depression, feelings, internet and a lot of whatever. These incredible faith based stories will help everyone (in Rockford, IL) to remain proud n’ positive with cold n’ empty hearts n’ wallets, well-fed stomachs and toasty warm toilet seats. More importantly, these original stories will hopefully help everyone else (on earth) laugh more, believe, fart or whatever.

barnes-and-noble-572-logoNo funding, crowd sourcing, federal & state grants, political tampering, corrupt influence or financial backing went into the production of “Believe.” Old-fashioned motivation, time, patience, passion, ideas and hard work along with our own pennies we saved from multiple jobs we hold down over the last few years made this book happen.  The American Dream way – something that many people in Rockford (who are trying to transform it with meetings, town forums, state and federal grants) do not seem to understand.  This applies to everywhere in America.

More information available in the book after you buy it from at least one of the sellers listed above.

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