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Local Man Finally Accepts That His Rockford Journey Is Ending

Local Man Finally Accepts That His Rockford Journey Is Ending

Rockford, IL – David J. Lorenzo woke up the same as any other day in The Rockford of Illinois but today he accepted the inevitable from happening soon.

“I believe everyday is a new day to be the best one can be and work hard, be fair to others, but today I accepted a possible reality that I’m going to die in Rockford, IL. Clarity is causing me to accept death here sooner than later,” said Lorenzo.

Misery Loves Company and It Has NEVER Felt Better, Rockford, IL

Misery Loves Company and It Has NEVER Felt Better, Rockford, IL

When asked about the possibilities of moving to die elsewhere, Lorenzo answered, “I can’t afford to. I chose the absolute wrong path in life to take by choosing an education combined with work experience.  I over-extended my reality here and didn’t realize it til this morning.  I’m already dead.  I should have dropped out of school and quit the many jobs I had in the 90s to sleep and party more. Maybe I’d be happier. Maybe I’d understand why there are so many Phish, Pearl Jam and Grateful Dead fans. Maybe I’d have a few children to call my own and a speed boat. I don’t know. Ha ha ha. Whatever!”

Dr. Bob Johnson (the City of Rockford’s Psychiatrist) was called upon to help Lorenzo transform and align his real original Rockford reality into believing to fight his feelings harder and hope for better days. However, Dr. Johnson says Lorenzo is already dead and “The Rockford killed him.  He’s dead already.” Dr. Johnson’s frightening consultation of Mr. Lorenzo revealed further details.

The Patient Becomes The Dr:  Dr. Johnson Asks Mr. Lorenzo To Play Make-Believe, Has Breakdown, Cries to David J. Lorenzo, says "He's already dead. Rockford killed him."

The Patient Becomes The Dr: Dr. Johnson Asks Mr. Lorenzo To Play Make-Believe, Has Breakdown, Cries to David J. Lorenzo, says “He’s already dead. Rockford killed him.”

“Mr. Lorenzo can’t be helped.  I asked him a few questions and he provided me honest answers. No one obviously told this young man that the truth is an obstruction to better health and personal success. I didn’t like his answers and I told him such. He then laughed at me and told me to go f**k myself.  I figured I’d give him one last shot. I asked him to play make-believe with me and he agreed.  I could tell that a switch of life went on behind his eyes; he lit up and proceeded to grill me about my existence. Who I am and how I got to where I was in life, those kinds of questions.  

I realized that I had became the patient and he the doctor now. I Rockforded myself.  I started crying like a little baby and he kept saying, “Be a better pony, be a better pony.”  

My methods had failed. I let The Rockford down.”

Dr. Johnson added, “Mr. Lorenzo helped me realize that I had been born into better opportunities.  I inherited everything I know.  He schooled me on socioeconomics and how it determines the personal and career path of many before they’re born, and that hard working people without money cannot change or control  anything, let alone their environment, without a bigger garbage bag of money to help them leave The Rockford before it kills them. Mr. Lorenzo can’t be helped. He is dead already. This is a fact, The Rockford killed him.”

Mr. Lorenzo feels hopeful and thankful despite Dr. Johnson’s analysis.

David J. Lorenzo plans to rewrite the abrupt ending of his Rockford journey to happen somewhere else.

David J. Lorenzo plans to rewrite the abrupt ending of his Rockford journey to happen somewhere else.

“Dr. Bob was a nice man. I made him cry, which sucks, but he  opened the door to play make-believe and that’s what I do best at. Regardless of his analysis, he did help me realize that I must figure out a way to rob people and con them in broad daylight so that I can afford a way out sooner than later or I will die here.  I see the ending of the journey happening sooner than later here in The Rockford, but thanks to Dr. Bob’s help, I’m going to rewrite the last half of the book to be someone else, somewhere else. Consider this my Rockford obit. Bye, bye, The Rockford!”

Bye bye, Mr. Lorenzo.

We will know less when you learn more.™

– Theodore Lepolli


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