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Steven Tyler, Neil Diamond Amongst Celebrities in Attendance at Star-Studded Rockford Wedding

Rockford, IL – Rockford, IL, leaders rolled out the red carpet for many celebrities attending a downtown wedding this Memorial Day weekend. The festivities began at the Rockford Brewery and carried on over to Mary’s Place. The couple worked with Mayor Barry Morrison and his 11 team member on City Council during the past two years to insure that the transformation of Rockford was up to the task with bringing Hollywood to Rockford for their wedding.
Celebrities in attendance included: Steven Tyler, Neil Diamond, Slash, Billy Corgan, Bruce Willis, Jimmy Page, Dave Grohl, Rick Springfield, Steve Perry, Don Johnson and Dwayne Johnson.
B-list stars included Mayor Barry Morrison, Johnny Emerald, Willard Hunter, Jay and Gordon, Paolo Juan Musty and Charles Box.
Rockford night-lifers spotted celebrities enjoying our downtown businesses until 2am Satursday night. “I heard Bruce Willis was in town at City Market. I didn’t believe it. Granted, I was half in the bag, drunk as a skunk like the other 4,000 people Friday at the event kickoff. My boyfriend and I went to Mary’s Place to see some music and by golly, there was Bruce Willis sitting at the bar in a white suit drinking a can of PBR with Mayor Barry Morrison, ” said local woman, Jane Neffersbergh.
Don Johnson was spotted parking his boat at the Rockford Brewery, making a grand entrance very few have witnessed in the Rockford area.
Will Rockford become the new Hollywood for weddings? It’s up to us to believe that we can be anything we want to be as long as we decide to do whatever we want to.
– Alonzo Botums
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Who is mayor Barry Morrison??? Do you live in Rockford?????
Mayor Barry is our mayor. We live everywhere, especially wherever you wish us to live in your mind. Who is C elizabeth? Hahaha.
You must have been drunk when you wrote the article. Who got married….duh?
100% sober, unlike much of Rockford. Who got married is not important to our story or creative methods by which we tell a story to you for free. Thanks for reading!