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What I Learned About Transform Rockford From Listening to Nas’s “Illmatic”

What I Learned About Transform Rockford From Listening to Nas’s “Illmatic”

transform-rockford-nas-illmaticRockford, IL – I spent the morning of December 26th, 2014, listening to Nas’ classic record, Illmatic.  I have to tell you, I learned a little something about my hometown Rockford.  OK, some cats come on here saying don’t believe the Transform Rockford hype, or that Nas’s Illmatic lacks beats, but they don’t know what they’re talking about.

One cat even had the temerity to compare the Rockford Illmatic Nas to Eminem. To question the beats on this album is to show your stupidity in relation to the hip hop game that is going down in Beloit and Roscoe.

This album has nothing but the best Transform Rockford beats. The lyrics are fresh, hungry, and still steeped in the streets of Rockford, Illinois.

Illmatic is just pure hip hop from beginning to end. A 40 minute South, West, East and North Rockford oasis of what hip hop should always strive to be. A window to the streets combined with storytelling ability and lyrics that weave themselves together seamlessly. Roscoe is Hip Hop, and this is the best Rockford has ever produced.

Don’t ever forget, this album is widely acknowledged as the finest in the history of hip hop by all the wisest Rockford rap scholars. You think some joker from Roscoe or Rockton knows more about Rockford hip hop and what’s raw than the sages of hip hop culture? I think not.

That’s right, Transform Rockford is what Nas’s Illmatic record is all about.

Chief Tchad Beale

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