Tag "illinois"
Back to homepageProud Local Transforms His Love For The Rockford Into a Tattoo
Rockford, IL – Our staff was emailed a photo of a local person who loves The Rockford so much that he payed to have his love of The Rockford and Illinois tattooed on his leg. The red mark is “Symbol.”
Read More“Gunshots or Fireworks?” – Poor & Violent Illinois City Plans For 4th of July Weekend Drinking Games
Rockford, IL – Celebrating freedom comes with a price for the citizens of The Rockford of Illinois. The poor, little, violent village located 70 miles outside of Chicago on the edge of Wisconsin is gearing up for another weekend of
Read MoreThe Rockford’s 14 Locals To Watch In 2014
Most Praised Local Celebrity Will Receive The Prestigious Lord of the The Rockford Ring™ Award Rockford, IL – RKFDNews.com is proud to unveil a non-biased list of local celebrities, artists, politicians and entrépoorneurs to keep an eye on in 2014. These contestants
Read MorePiranhas Injure 70 People Bathing In Rock River
[Update June 10th, 2014] A hungry attack by piranhas has injured 70 people bathing in the Rock River, including seven children and eighteen homeless veterans who lost parts of their legs, arms, hands, feet, fingers or toes. Rockford, IL – Director of lifeguards Frederico Dontavio said
Read MoreBlack Bear Lassoed, Shot 4 Times, Escapes – Rockford Prays for Safety
Rockford, IL – A Black Bear was discovered roaming through Rockford, IL today. It was finally tracked down in the parking lot of the Garrison School Lofts on 1105 N Court St. near North Main Street. Non-coincidently, The Garrison Lofts are
Read More9 Schools and 2 Grocery Stores Closing Replaced by 3 Fast Food Restaurant Dreams
Rockford, IL – The community of Rockford in Illinois has rallied behind terrible (but funny) recent news this month that nine public schools and two corporate Schnucks (formerly the locally owned Loglis and Hilander) grocery stores are closing by thinking
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